Let’s Get Cynical’s ‘Stuff I’ve Enjoyed In The Last Month Or So’ Roundup

So, hi again, it’s been a while, and that’s largely my fault for being lazy with this whole thing. Without further ado, here’s a bunch of stuff I’ve enjoyed recently (or somewhat recently).

Arctic Monkeys

You’ve probably already heard this, but if you’ve been living under a rock for the past month then you’d best crawl out from under it and watch the video below. Matt Helders recently hinted that ‘R U Mine’ could be strongly indicative of what the next Arctic Monkeys record might sound like – and that’s a very good thing.


The self-titled debut record from 2:54 (which is out on the 28th May, by the way) looks like a more thrilling prospect with every track they release, and swirling siren-song ‘You’re Early’ is no exception. Check out the smoky video for the track below:

One thing I noticed about the track is that those drums have a definite air of Wild Beasts about them – so I suppose it makes some sense that said band have remixed the track, with added vocals from Hayden Thorpe to boot. There’s an interesting contrast between the two versions – while the original tantalises with words unspoken (“I just wanna be close…”), Thorpe wastes no time in filling the blanks (“…to you baby”). Then again, that’s pretty much what we’d expect from Wild Beasts, isn’t it?

2:54 – ‘You’re Early’ (Wild Beasts Remix)

Lone Wolf

Another man with a new album due this year is Paul Marshall, otherwise known as Lone Wolf – it’s called The Lovers, and he recently previewed the first track from it. It’s called ‘The Swan Of Meander’, and you can hear it below.

Lone Wolf – ‘The Swan Of Meander’

While the warm synths and expansive drumbeat make this somewhat of a departure from the dark, folky sound of The Devil And I, the luscious guitars and Marshall’s captivating vocals mark this out as the work of Lone Wolf. Do we call him post-folk now? There’s no concrete release date for the new record, but it’s due some time this autumn.

The Hundred In The Hands

I don’t think I ever properly expressed my love for the debut LP from The Hundred In The Hands, but it’s pretty damn special. So I was very much pleased to hear them announce that their new album Red Night will be released on June 11th. The first sample from it comes in the form of ‘Faded’, which you can listen to right here.

It’s certainly an atmospheric opening gambit, with floaty vocals, dreamy synths and chiming guitars all alluding to the night-time setting that the album’s title suggests. And while it’s a great track in its own right, it also very much feels like something that’s going to make a lot of sense as part of a greater whole – I look forward to seeing what exactly that greater whole comprises of come June. Why is their only UK show in London though? *sadface*

Bonus! Extra-Curricular Writings:

I also wrote reviews of the following albums in the past month or so – they’re all great records, so do have a look:

Sleigh Bells – Reign Of Terror (for Muso’s Guide)

Stalking Horse – Stalking Horse (for Soundsphere Magazine)

Team Me – To The Treetops! (for Muso’s Guide)

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